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Ontario turns rational energy planning on its head

July 18, 2023 (updated from July 10); Version published in the Toronto Star July 15/July 21, 2023. Ontario’s energy plan released last week opened the door marginally on renewable energy and energy efficiency. But it also reaffirmed the centrality of …

Finding pathways out of Ontario’s hydro and climate mess?

Version published in Policy Options, May 29, 2023 The recent federal budget reinforced the centrality of the electrification of transportation, building heating, and industrial activities in meeting Canada’s climate change targets and obligations. The situation has led to suggestions that …

Re: Critics wary of Moltex’s nuclear-waste strategy

Published in the Globe and Mail April 5, 2023 The Editors The Globe and Mail Toronto, Ontario Dear Editors The Globe’s article on the proposed molten salt nuclear reactor at the Point Lepreau site highlights a critical weakness in the …

Has Metrolinx become a law unto itself?

February 23, 2023, updated March 2, 2023; Related story in the Toronto Star, April 22, 2023 Photo: CBC Although Metrolinx has recently backed down on its proposal to build a railway yard in the Don Valley, the project, along with …