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The Ford Doctrine: (very) short-term gain for long-term pain

Ontario premier-designate Doug Ford has yet to actually take office, but last week saw a series of major announcements indicating some intended directions for his incoming government. The first was a declaration of the intent to end Ontario’s participation in …

Which way forward on Carbon Pricing in Ontario?

Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown’s proposal to replace the Kathleen Wynne’s cap and trade system for reducing the province’s greenhouse gas emissions with a carbon tax has set off a series of debates about the merits of these different approaches …

Energy East Pipeline Cancellation

Published in the Globe and Mail October 10, 2017 There were serious questions about the wisdom and economic and political viability of the Energy East project from the outset. It faced profound opposition in Quebec; Ontario’s energy board had concluded …

Is Ontario poised to repeat Walkerton-style mistakes

Published in the Hamilton Spectator October 23, 2017 Canadians, watching U.S. President Donald Trump’s attacks on air and water pollution rules in the United States have taken some comfort in the notion that it couldn’t happen here. Sadly, the reality …